July 2021 - Special Virtual Training Event
TCA Presents: Enneagram Training for Helping Professionals
Thursday, July 22, 2021
9:00am-5:00pm (CST) / 10:00am-6:00pm (EST)
7 CEs Available
Virtual - Zoom
Session Overview: For those serving in the helping professions, the Enneagram offers fresh and meaningful perspective while encouraging ongoing self-awareness and self-compassion. Join us for an interactive immersion into the Enneagram system with an emphasis on practical application for both our personal and professional lives.
In this full day of training, participants will gain knowledge about the Enneagram system and the 9 Types, including the historical context, current scientific theory and best practices. This experience will also highlight useful information about the gifts and challenges we bring into our work related to our type as well as useful information for working with clients and co-workers. Break-out discussion groups and interactive exercises will support experiential learning, moving participants beyond a cognitive understanding to a more dynamic relationship with the Enneagram.
Pricing: TCA Members - Professional/New Professional: $50.00 TCA Members - Student/Retired Rate: $30.00 Non-Members: $75.00
**This training event has limited space - registration will close when capacity is reached. Register soon to save your seat!**
Presenters: Evan Barbee and Nicole Cobb
Evan Barbee
Evan was born in East Tennessee, the middle child in a large family. Her parents, equal and opposite in their creative eccentricities instilled in Evan what she came to value most, a curious mind.
In 2010, while volunteering in India, a chance encounter led Evan to the Enneagram and an immediate appreciation for this work took root in her life. First and foremost a devoted student, she has studied with the Enneagram Institute and TNE and completed her certification as both a Narrative Enneagram Teacher and Practitioner.
Evan is honored to serve on the board of TNE and is the current chair of the program committee where she is focused on broadening the platform for this non-profit at both the local and national level. For the past three years, she has volunteered as an educator in the prison system, serving incarcerated women, and hopes to continue sharing the Enneagram system with high-trauma/low-resource populations.
Nicole Cobb
Professor Cobb has worked in education for 21 years as a teacher, school counselor and administrator at the district and state level. Her professional experience has allowed her to link research to practice in the field of school counseling, specifically as it relates to school climate, crisis response, college access and school counselor effectiveness. Before joining the faculty in the school-counseling program of the Department of Human and Organizational Development in the Peabody College of Education at Vanderbilt University she was the Executive Director of School Counseling for Metro-Nashville Public Schools (MNPS) and was appointed by Governor Bredesen as Director of School Counseling for the State of Tennessee during his term in office.
Education - Ed.D., University of Tennessee
Tentative Agenda*
9:00am CST
Welcome / Overview for the Day & Centering Practice
10:00am EST
9:10am CST
My Story: The Enneagram as a Tool for Healing Trauma
10:10am EST
9:20am CST
Enneagram Tradition:
- An Overview
- Early Developers
- Foundational Principles
- The Universal Laws
10:20am EST
9:40am CST
A Presence-Based Approach to Working with Clients
- Our Work: Perspective/Gifts/Blindspots
- Inviting the Other In: Ethical Use of the Enneagram System
- Universal Growth Process
10:40am EST
10:00am CST
Instinctual Center (Types 8,9, and 1)
- Anger & Autonomy
- Overview of the Body Types/ Common Misconceptions
- Working with Body-based Clients
- Exercise: Somatic Practice and Self-regulating techniques
11:00am EST
11:10am CST
Breakout Group Discussion
12:10pm EST
11:20am CST
10-Minute Morning Break
12:20pm EST
11:30am CST
Emotional Center (Types 2, 3 and 4)
- Shame/Grief and Connection
- Overview of the Heart Types/ Common Misconceptions
- Working with Heart-based Clients
- Exercise: Emotional Resilience & Radical Responsibility
12:30pm EST
12:40pm CST
Breakout Group Discussion
1:40pm EST
12:50pm CST
Break for Lunch
1:50pm EST
1:30pm CST
Intellectual Center (Types 5, 6 and 7)
- Anxiety and Certainty
- Overview of the Head Triad/ Common Misconceptions
- Working with Head-based Clients
- Exercise: The Power of Presence-based Observation
2:30pm EST
2:40pm CST
10-Minute Afternoon Break
3:40pm EST
2:50pm CST
Group Discussions: 9 Types**
- The 9 Perspectives
- When Strengths are Overused: Personal & Professional disruptions ● Course Correction
- Road Less Traveled: Relaxing into our Gifts
- Path of Personal Development for the 9 Types
3:50pm EST
3:50pm CST
Discussion in Breakout Groups
4:50pm EST
4:10pm CST
Q & A
5:10pm EST
4:45pm – 5:00pm
Closing Practice
5:45pm – 6:00pm EST
*Please note that this agenda is provided for reference as an example of what may be presented at the live event. This agenda may be altered or revised prior to the date of the live event.
*Participants invited to offer their personal insights related to Type in the chat panel
**This training event has limited space - registration will close when capacity is reached. Register soon to save your seat!**
The Tennessee Counseling Association has been approved by NBCC as an Approved Continuing Education Provider, ACEP No. 2043. Programs that do not qualify for NBCC credit are clearly identified. The Tennessee Counseling Association is solely responsible for all aspects of the programs.