TCA Journal

New Publication Alert: 

On behalf of the Tennessee Counseling Association and the Tennessee Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (TACES), I am pleased to offer you the 2024 edition of the Tennessee Counseling Association Journal. We hope the information presented contributes to your knowledge regarding counseling and encourages your exploration of new topics.

The purpose of the Tennessee Counseling Association Journal remains constant: to promote professional growth and creativity of TCA members, Tennessee counselors, counselors nation-wide, and other helping professionals. We hope the research and ideas shared in this journal hearten readers to provide best practices to clients, expand notions of counseling, and share innovative counseling strategies with peers.

The target audience for this journal is counselors in all specialty areas, and we invite manuscripts of interest for professionals in all areas of counseling. We welcome manuscripts that: (a) integrate theory and practice, (b) delve into current issues, (c) provide research of interest to counselors in all areas, and (d) describe examples of creative techniques, innovations, and exemplary practices.

As this edition is completed, we would like to express our sincere appreciation to the TACES and TCA leadership for their continued support of the journal.

Lisa Davies, EdD
Assistant Professor
Lipscomb University

Patrick Murphy, PhD, NCC, LPC-MHSP
Associate Professor
Lindsey Wilson College



Latest Edition: Volume 9, Number 1, 2024 - ** New **

Call for Manuscripts

The TCA Journal is an official, peer-reviewed publication of the Tennessee Counseling Association.  

TCA is accepting manuscript submissions for the upcoming 2025 edition.  We are looking for empirical or theoretical submissions related to tthe general field of counseling (i.e. Rehabilitation, School Counseling, Clinical Mental Health).  IRB Protocols required. 

Submissions are year-round for acceptance. 

 Submit by email to the following: [email protected]



Manuscripts should be original works, not previously published nor concurrently submitted for publication to other journals. Manuscripts should be written clearly and concisely for a diverse audience, especially counseling professionals. The target audience of the Tennessee Counseling Association Journal is counselors in all specialty areas, and we invite articles of interest for professionals in all areas of counseling. Topics appropriate for the TCAJ include articles that: (a) integrate theory and practice; (b) discuss current issues; (c) provide research of interest to counselors in all areas; and (d) present examples of creative techniques, innovations, and exemplary practices.

Research reports describe original studies that have practical applications. Group designs, single-subject designs, quantitative, qualitative, mixed methods and other appropriate strategies are welcome. Research review articles provide qualitative and/or quantitative syntheses of published and unpublished research and other information that yields important perspectives about at-risk populations. Such articles should stress applied implications.



Manuscripts are to follow the guidelines of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (6th Ed.). Manuscript length should be approximately 25 typed, double-space pages, consecutively numbered including all cited references. Submitted manuscripts which do not follow APA format will be returned to the author without editorial review. Illustrative materials, including charts, tables, figures, etc. are to be in APA format and clearly labeled.



Submit electronically in Microsoft Word, including an abstract. Please provide two (2) cover pages.

First cover page must include the following:
• full manuscript title
• author’s full name
• title
• department, institution or professional affiliation
• return mailing address
• email address and telephone numbers
• full names of coauthors with their titles, departments, institutions, or professional affiliations, mailing address and email addresses.

Second cover page must include the following:
• title page that only notes the manuscript’s title (for blind review purposes)

Note: Do not include any identifying information in the text pages.

All appropriate manuscripts will be submitted to a blind review by two peer reviewers. Manuscripts may be submitted at any time for review. If accepted, authors will be notified of publication. There is no publication fee.

Submit manuscript to: [email protected]



Volume 9, Number 1, 2024 - ** New **

Volume 8, Number 1, June 2019  

Volume 7, November 2015

Volume 6, Number 1, August 2014

Volume 5, 2012

Volume 4, November 2010

Volume 3, November 2009

Volume 2, November 2008

Volume 1, November 2007